Saturday 30 June 2012


Coast Summit Meeting, Statement, and Day Out

Coast Summit Meeting
Why "Summit", I wonder. It seems to be nothing to do with mountain-tops. In fact, Alice and I got no higher than a middling cliff, though we did have a Most Important Meeting. The fresh air, sunshine and change of scene did us both good and we had a free and frank discussion of our problems.

[Alice says she looked up Summit, and the particular meaning of a meeting of heads of state was coined by Winston Churchill with his metaphor of "a parley at the summit" in 1950, during the Cold War.]

I'll say a bit more about the trip after making our promised statement.

  • Monkey hereby agrees that Alice shall have total, unfettered editorial freedom in the next post to say whatever she needs.
  • Alice hereby agrees that despite certain conceptual difficulties (as hinted at in the dream press, see previous post) the name of this blog will not be changed from Vera's Monkey: principally because this would mean complex technical issues for both ourselves and our dedicated following - and that means YOU!
Day Out
Bonny Swans
The weather promised fair for once so we checked the bus timetable, packed a picnic and headed for the coast. The driver kindly let us off right by the footbridge, where we admired the Bonny Swans.

Bumble Bees!
In the Glories of Nature
A couple of joggers ran past us; but they missed enjoying being out in the full Glories of Nature. Skylarks were skating on the wind and trilling towards heaven; the bumble bees were buzzing around the gorgeous lupins; the distant waves were shushing in and out the sandy bays, or smashing against the black rocks. Aaah...

 [You will notice that Alice can be quite the poet when the fancy takes her!]

Sandy Bay
We had sunshine for a few hours - just enough to walk round the headland with a pause for lunch (it was quite windy on the beach, so I sheltered in the rucksack) a breather or two to contemplate the view, and a stop for our all-important Summit. Moreover, we did finally come to an agreement.

Homeward bound

It was altogether a truely memorable expedition, so we were content to head home again - just as the weather returned to rain.

Alice took lots of photos. There's no stopping her once she gets started!

But I like looking at them, and hope you do too.


Don't forget you can click any photographs here to see a bigger copy, and middle click (or right click & "Open in a new tab") to view them at full size.

Next time you can read Alice's promised account of herself.