Poor old Alice has been horribly ill since the beginning of July. We won't go into all the ghastly details, but it included a nasty, persistent spasm of pain in her right shoulder and arm which related to her tendons and a presumed trapped nerve.
After the pills and potions to take, an X-ray, and Physiotherapy exercises to do, she also suffered a period of dizziness (still with her, but calming down somewhat now) when she had to be extra careful not to fall over. When will it all end?
Now don't forget you can click any image to see it at a larger size.
We keep telling you each time, but we're not sure if you actually do it . . . .
Very recently poor Alice actually emerged a bit from the worst, and although there's been no TV or videos for ages, she started to entertain herself (much too obsessively, we think) with Solitaire on her mobile.
But a while ago she actually began to read a bit and went back to Philip Pullman's great novels.
A dear friend from the depths of England, had sent her this nice Get Well card. And finally, yesterday, after a most desultory, depressed and frustrating morning in bed, she put on a load of washing (well overdue) perked up and took some photos of us to fill in the gap on this blog. -HURRAH!!- This morning was similar, but now she's wrestling with the Blogger interface to set this post up for you.

So that's us for now, folks. Byee!
If you're just confused about the Alice / Vera shenanigans, select 2012, July - Alice and Vera. Or go straight there with this link (opens in a separate page or tab).