We've been behind again with letting our fans know (we do have some, don't we?) what we've been up to. So here's a very short update.
Making the most of a sunny evening, we went for a walk along the canal again, and we were attracted to the amazingly sweet-smelling Elderflowers now in bloom. Ba is gazing at some larger bunches, much higher up - too high for Alice to lift us up to sit beside.
What's this? Someone is trying to pick them right in front of our very eyes! You can see why perhaps at this recipe page by Countryfile.
This tall dark stranger can certainly reach high enough to pick the most choice blooms, too.
Or is he such a stranger after all? He looks suspiciously familiar to us.

Alice wondered if he'd use that recipe by one of the UK's best known shefs, Jamie Oliver, no less.
Anyway, a considerably large quantity got picked, so we could then have a rest beside the canal. [Click on any photos to see them at a larger size.]
Which do you like best, the previous one above with the canal as an interesting background, or this one with a good close-up of the two of us?

The last one, below, shows how we somehow or other manage to aquire a few blossoms, like this wonderfully sweet-smelling Honeysuckle, and bring them into the house to enjoy.
Is that all? you may well ask.
Well, we did warn you this would be a very short post. Bye for now!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Endnote
If you're just confused about the Alice / Vera shenanigans, select 2012, July - Alice and Vera. Or go straight there with this link (opens in a separate page or tab).