Odds and ends [plus a trailer]
Trailer. We've just got back home after a holiday at this amazing place in Spain. Alice has always been into the "alternative" culture, what with Psychotherapy, and the Five Rhythms Dance - not to mention Astrology of course. Silly expression that, isn't it? Because we have just mentioned it! Human figures of speech are a wonder to me, make me wonder, I mean - and figures of speech is another (self-referential) one too. It's endles . . .
Anyway, Cortijo Romero is a super place for a different sort of holiday. Take a look. We'll be saying more about it when Alice has finally edited her zillions of photos. There's lots of us two there, and Ba features especially among all the wonderful flowers.

Our friend down the road (who incidentally is a great Game of Thrones fan, looking forward to Season 7 as much as ourselves) also has a monkey, who was gven this jumper by a friend of hers. As you can see, it's a bit over-large for him, so she wondered if our Monkey here would like it.

I actually rather like the garment, but I'm afraid I have to admit it might be best to save it until the next Festive Season. [Click if you're sure you want to see it bigger.]
Alice concurs, much to Ba's relief.
When we next visited the grandchildren, we found them busy making these hedgehogs from a bread recipe, including yeast, so they had to wait for the dough to rise before the creatures could be shaped with their prickles and given some eyes. This is the final product out of the oven. The children took them to school, one each a day. The later report was that they were jolly good to eat too.

Alice had planted two corms (a bit different from bulbs) and this one is in the bathroom, by the window, so we're curious to see how well (or not?) it will thrive there.
Here's the other one, in the usual kitchen indoor windowsill space. It's bigger, and the leaves are a bit more tattered. We can't wait to see the flowers when, we hope, they eventually come out.
Back to a favourite spot

We've been here oodles of times: it's the extra nice cafe in the Gallery of Modern Art One.
She came here to catch up with an old friend who moved away from Scotland ages ago. And they didn't half talk. They never moved from the spot to go and look at any of the art!
I was glad we received a mention when they got onto the usual topic of matters psychological. Alice said that we each present "an excellent mouthpiece for different facets of her personality." A bit pompous, if you ask me, but then nobody ever does [ Sigh ] even though my life-long study of human beings has led me to draw my own conclusions on such matters.

Later on we walked around and Alice got a better shot of them. That's more like it! Aren't they beautiful birds indeed. This photo is one well worth clicking on to enjoy at full size.

Ba couldn't wait to dig in, as they say.
These M&S "popped chips" are very tasty with a lump of cheese. And apparently they have fewer calories than the usual sort, so Alice doesn't feel so guilty for enjoying them.
We went through the gallery itself (no looking at art on such a sunny day) and down the steps to the Water of Leith.
We went through the gallery itself (no looking at art on such a sunny day) and down the steps to the Water of Leith.

It was standing very still, looking out for tasty fish in the running water. Barking, splashing dogs didn't seem to make any difference to the concentration.
Further on, there were some beautiful trees and flowers, plus lovely rippled reflections in the water. [ Do click! ]

She had begged to be hoisted up into the hollow of this tree, though it was quite a stretch for Alice. She would have stayed there for hours too, but we persuaded her that it would eventually get cold, and we were heading home, anyway . . . Still, what a splendid afternoon we'd had.
I like being in nature too, despite teasing Ba, and so does Alice.