Alice is despairing about how much she has to do right now, and I'm despairing about her ever "catching up" enough to finish editing our Extras - that's for our video Reading in Bed @ 70, in case you've forgotten all about it by now. She was feeling rather like the Red Queen again, running hard just to stay where she is. If you're not familiar with the story, you can read that chapter on the wonderful Alice site by Lenny de Rooy.
And then I had this brilliant idea: let's do it backwards! What!? Yes, starting with the most recent events, instead of with the furthest back. Alice eventually saw the genius behind this, and realised she only has to edit the relevant photos (of her friend's wedding for example) to complete our blog, and feel that something from her long, distressing, mental list has been achieved. Which photos are those? The one's with Ba and myself in, of course!
That's why we have started with a photo so recent, it's virtually in the future. We don't go to Sci-fi films for nothing, you know.
Yes, it's way in advance, and we've only just had Hallowe'en and Bonfire Night - but the shops have their TV ads out already, and Ba really wanted the angel wings (actually a big white butterfly) so I gave in to the hat (found on a strange penguin head without a body) and Alice succumbed to the chocolate, despite saying she wants to lose some weight . . .
We've also been very busy going round the town delivering posters and leaflets about the Glasgow Games Festival. That's because Alice's son has been organising it, so we decided to help out over here. We already knew several nice gaming cafes, but this year found a couple of newer ones who took some leaflets too. Google your own area and you're bound to find some near you.
Last year Alice tried to play the ferociously complicated Game of Thrones board-game, but sadly found she wasn't making a lot of progress, even after a few hours.
Speaking of which, another pretty recent and very exciting event has been the arrival of our box-set of G-o-T Season Six. [Beware spoilers at that link!] Alice had been watching the "Delivery Tracking" bit on Amazon for a while, and it even arrived a few days early!
Although in anticipation we had started re-watching the whole sequence from the start of Season One a few months ago, our general busy-ness intervened, so we now still have the pleasure of finishing off Season Four, and all of Season Five. Oh, the Red Wedding; Oh the big wonderful dragons; Oh that return to life; Oh, the scarey White Walkers; Oh the revelations still to come! No spoilers here, of course.
Don't we just love that astrolabe in the opening sequence, too. If, and only if, you have seen the whole of Season Six already, you might be interested in this article in the Radio Times.
And here we'll break off, make some supper, and watch another episode. Back later, folks.

We didn't celebrate the day itself, but had a scare when we first arrived at the home of the grandchildren.

Click on the smaller photo to see it at the same size.
Trip "Down South" [Another part one . . . ]

Here's the great view into the garden of the house where we stayed for the first part, at the home of one of Alice's old friends from way back. And below you can see us having fun with the rusty ducks.

You should know by now to click on photos to see them more closely, shouldn't you!

There were some super little charity shops here too, and both of them love browsing these magical emporia and finding all sorts of bargains.
[We took a coffee break here, and put on the washing. Very boring.]

Here they are:
Bilbo and Maisie.

The dogs just loved chasing after a ball, over and over again.
Alice made a little video of them for her friend, and the dogs' owner too, as she isn't too well & couldn't come with us. It's on YouTube, as usual.
The view we had at the top of the Downs was just spectacular. Click on this photo to get a better look for yourselves.
Many, many years ago (she won't let me say just how many) Alice came with her then partner and a couple of friends on a walking and camping holiday all along the Downs.
What she remembers best is the Long Man of Wilmington! Not to be confused with the more biologically accurate, and for some all the more shocking, Cerne Abbas Giant. Click their link for a video of his repair.
As you can see from our revised title and update date, we've realised we won't get the catching up done all in one post. So here's to the next time. Soon.