REALLY catching up!
If you've come here looking for the catch-up about Ba's newly discovered Great Uncle, either scroll down to half-way through the previous post, or click here to open that piece separately. [Try clicking all the green links - where we've hunted out even more interesting stuff for you.]
Alice, by the way, has recently discovered she has a "new" distant cousin in Australia, and has been much pre-occupied with drawing up a revised Family Tree.

My family wouldn't really make a "tree". It would only consist of MOTHER (UNKNOWN) and FATHER (UNKNOWN) so wouldn't get us very far. But it doesn't bother me, honest. Who needs relatives when you've got good friends like Alice and Ba! And someone else too - but see later.
We would all love to get back to editing our Reading in Bed: the Extras video. (You can see the original, with and without voice-over, on the YouTube channel of Alice's good friend, Joy.)
However, Alice is so very obsessive that once she starts on a new project at her computer, she never stops until she's so exhausted she just has to go to bed - often way into the wee small hours. Tut, tut. So I declared we have to catch up here first, or we never will before the next exciting / interesting event takes over.
She complains that I always have too much to say, and want every single photo with myself in to be posted, so that doing the blog takes far too long and stops us getting on with the video. Oh dear. Compromise required?

We daren't link to any potential spoilers about the controversial fate of John-he's-dead-now-Snow, but are keeping our theories to ourselves. This link is to the official HBO trailer #2: purists don't even want to watch that . . . .
Actual catch-up starts here.
[It turns out we've been working at doing so, on and off, ever since Friday 14th, you know.]

The irises have shrivelled now, but a miniature tulip has flowered, and there are some beautiful snowdrops - the first time snowdrop bulbs have ever come up for many years, so it was worth persisting and planting some yet again!
You can tell it's much warmer too, or was then, as we didn't need hat or scarf. Note the daffodil bud above my head, and a really fat hyacinth budding behind me. Alice saw and heard a bee buzzing over it just the other day, but it flew off before she could get her camera.
2. Answer to the bellows puzzle. If you don't remember seeing it first time round, click here.

The picture on the left is from a Wikipedia article on Articulated Buses - bendy to you and me. There's an explanation (of sorts) by Hübner here.

We found a pretty little vase to put them in, and they were complemented by the arrangement of hyacinths (indoor bulbs which came up then fell over) and some jolly supermarket daffs.

Even Ba, who doesn't go to the cinema (too noisy, too bright, too fast) nevertheless seems to have accepted her. Maybe that's because they share the communication feature of a non-human language - ?

And we have good old R2-D2 as well! Just like Ba, who was rescued from a "REDUCED" box at the Bradford Media Museum, he came cut price as well. Even worse than that, he was attached to a USB cable so he could hoover up dust on one's computer desktop.
He performed that task extremely badly, so he's recently been cut loose. Hurrah!
5. Alice is getting tired, typing rather slowly with more errors than is her wont, and complaining loudly that she needs her supper, so we'll be brief with the rest. Very brief. We'll just squeeze in a couple of cultural events.
We watched the BAFTAs, and followed up on the Oscars later, as they weren't on live Freeview in the UK.

We even went three nights in a row (yes!) to see all three parts of the historical James Plays, written by the lovely and talented Rona Munro. Alice had unfortunately missed them when they were originally performed at the Edinburgh Festival, as she was "Underground" much of 2014.
Wow! They were really well done, and the staging was terrific. My favourite bit was when one of the Queens was in labour on a four-poster in the middle of the stage, while the fighting (choreographed like an exciting piece of dance) went on around her, and even on the bed! There were Scottish songs in it too, which provided a relief from all the political chicanery.
Now the oven's been "warming up" for hours without anything in it, so that's it for today!