At last, I've persuaded Alice to stop imagining we're ever going to catch up with everything we've missed out since June or so. So here's a few photos to give you the idea. To fit several of them in, and not have to dictate screeds of information to fit in the spaces, I've insisted we keep the images small here, but if you click on them, you can admire them in a larger size!

It all started when Alice went to Yorkshire, and met up with a friend to Do Art - again. The hotel in Wakefield was ever so nice, and I got my very own toothbrush! Alice said it wasn't really for me, but just because she'd forgotten hers... Spoilsport!
We went first to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. It's just huge, and took all day to go round. Ba would have loved it, I'm sure, being mostly out of doors, but we hadn't met her yet...
I think this was my favourite piece. Sitting is simply gigantic, one of Sophie Ryder's versions of her mythic "Lady Hare". Its body is modelled on her own.

I was taken with the heron outside. It's one of the Faceless Arts performance pieces. There's a real heron that can often be seen in the river nearby, and we did!

Then we took a side-trip to Bradford, to visit theNational Media Museum. Alice had to wear her trendy NeverEnding Film Title T-shirt, being the show-off she is. She got it via Letterboxd, where a friend writes jolly good reviews. [Those in the know will understand why I need to be so extremely complimentary. Don't ask, it's complicated . . . ]

Ba was rather anxious about sitting on a Dalek for the photo as Dr Who, in all his guises, has had trouble with them ever since 1963. So I reassured her he'd fully deactivated this one for good.

We went on lots of absolutely beautiful long country walks.
Well, Alice did do the actual walking.
We were near the little village of Heptonstall, so we paid a visit to Sylvia Plath's grave. What a talented poet, but what a sad ending to her life. See this New York Times review of two biographies.
Yes, in case you're asking, Alice did write some poems herself when she was on the retreat. She thinks all that walking helped arouse the inspiration from its slumber in her subconscious.
Search me. I wouldn't know.

Luckily we had time to pause, have lunch and find the right platform.
That's all for now, folks. I hope we don't have to wait so long for Alice to find time to write the next post and bring you a bit more up to date.
And don't forget to click on the photos, will you!