Games, various

Just a quick post about a recent visit.
We went off to "babysit" the grandchildren again. But they're certainly no longer babies! Look what the girl (now 9) has made!
You can get a better idea from
this angle. Isn't it great!

Click on the photos to see a bigger size.
This one is "Xtra Large", even better still
, so if you right click to open on its own, you can read the details on the board. She had the cards and the little figures already, and the dice is her
Dad's, but the all-important board is really her own work, with only a
very minor suggestions from Alice. In fact she was very determined not to take just any old advice. Good on her, I say!
Once the kids were in bed we settled down to catch up with the wonderful
Game of Thrones. [The link is to the first ever episode. Click on "HBO Game of Thrones" to go to other ones.] This is Braavos from the current Season 5 title sequence. See a clever compilation of
all the title sequences so far on YouTube

And there are various plots afoot in Dorne. Yes, I know it's all hot and Summery down there! I kept my scarf on because I can feel horribly chilly when they take us to the Wall and beyond, which they always do...
Particularly nasty stuff up North at the moment. Uuuuhhhhh...

The cat of the household waits on the stairs as we go up to bed, hoping she'll be given some crunchy treats. Usually not.
The grand-daughter gave us her room for the night (while she bunked in with her brother) and we had some of her teddies too.
Owl read us all a good-night story, but Alice still had trouble getting to sleep. She thinks she's got far too much she has to do before we go away. I say she
worries far too much. Chill out woman! You only live once.