to every one of you!
Alice is humouring me for once: this is a post with lots of pictures of yours truely!
As we said around this time last year, our household does not subscribe to any traditional religion, but we still like to celebrate this point in the year. After all, it's the Solstice when we rejoice at the earth turning away from those dark nights and the sun staying over the horizon for longer: Yuletide!
Apologies, of course, to any of you from the Southern Hemisphere who're now at the height of Summer, and those unfortunate enough not to experience seasons at all, like we do here.

I did my best to help with decorating the tree, honest, but I seemed to have got in a bit of a muddle and had to be rescued. Oh dear.
[Click on these tiny photos to see a bigger version, won't you.]

I have my very own special tree: I just love watching the lights twinkle like this.

My favourite part, however, was that hot mince pie with icecream on top, plus a couple of teaspoons of Cointreau.
The cartoon below, featuring Nemi, was in the Metro the other day - that's the free paper that's usually available on the buses, or the Tube if you're in London.
We thought it was a good note to end on.
Tyrion is one of Alice's favourite characters in George R R Martin's Song of Ice and Fire saga: he has plenty of pithy sayings to quote. The Ice Dragon is a delightful children's book from GRRM, with marvellous illustrations by the talented
Here's hoping you each have a good read to take to bed with you these chilly nights.