Are you? Well, of course you are in one sense, or you wouldn't be reading the question. What we mean is, are you a regular or occasional visitor? Maybe you only came accross it by chance today, and certainly won't be back. Maybe you like what you see, and think you will return. Possibly you'll even put it on a Bookmark!
Google, who operate Blogger, gives writers some regular statistics on the number of times their pages get viewed. See the screenshot below, which is seen most clearly on a separate tab or page. [Alice added the question-mark face to make our point of puzzlement.]
According to this - and note they're not counting the number of times we ourselves view the blog - we've been viewed quite a bit since May 2012, when we started up. 2,692 times in all as of 8th September 2013. Wow! With no real publicity, that's not at all bad. But we still don't know what that means, in terms of appreciation - or not...
Checking out another page, which tells us where the requests to view come from, we see that in the last month most have come from the US and the UK (to be expected) but also some from Russia, South Korea, Australia and even China.
Who are you? What do you think of what we're writing? Does it seem ridiculous for a Monkey like me to be writing a blog at all? Or do you like the dual nature of my relationship with Alice? In all fairness, although the humour is mostly mine, she's the technician of the team, responsible for the look of it.
I admit we've made it hard to post Comments, by limiting it to people with specific accounts. That's because we don't want silly stuff from silly people. I'm sure you know what we mean. But - and we're taking a great risk of being swamped with derision - we're now inviting you to email Alice at the address in the image below and give us your feedback. If you're serious you'll have to type it out. It won't take you there with a click. We've done it this way, to avoid the spambots!
We've discovered that to sign in to this account, we have to sign out from our blog one first. Hmmm. So we might not get to check for your emails every single day - just now and then.