Down South (and Argo)
Down South
What a great journey! I had a reserved seat all the way to London King's Cross. It was the East Coast line so we had some super views - of, ummm, the East coast.
This is Berwick upon Tweed, with its picturesque bridges. We're on the Royal Border Bridge, designed by Robert Stephenson (of the Rocket steam-engine fame) and built way back between 1847 and 1850. And the trains still cross it.
Where's the exact line between Scotland and England, I wondered? Berwick itself has been in both countries at different times. If we get Independence, will we have to show our passports (Scottish ones? Euro ones?) before the train can journey on? Do we want it, or not, after all?

Once in London, we went straight on to see our friend Pippa the cat (and owner) near Winchester.
Next day we visited Ikea in Southampton, bought some fancy ice-cube trays and a jolly red dish brush; then ate in their restaurant. Behind me you can see the bright lights where we went to the cinema: the full works, sweeties and all.
We saw Argo. What a really great film! It's based on an almost unbelievable true story (Spoilers in this link) only recently de-Classified by the CIA. Argo is a fake sci-fi film within the film. Here's real fake info from the real story. (Click to see larger.)
No, it's not the Red King dreaming again. Alice has turned up a very philosphical note on him - again. Far too mind-bending for a simple soul like me.
The even more geeky article discussed in the link is here, not at the link in the link... Oh, stop it!!
Argo (the real 2012 film by multi-talented Ben Affleck!) managed to be both extremely funny, especially near the start, and also very exciting indeed, the nearer you got to the end.
Alice loved the excellent cinematography as well, but I was far too full of tension to notice such niceties.
Do go and see it!

There are four figures on each side of the bridge: apparently this one represents Local Government. I think she's far too graceful for that...

We'd come to wonder at the gorgeous Pre-Raphaelites exhibition. But that's worth a whole blog post in itself. So we'll leave this one for now.
Come back later and read all about it...