Tuesday 4 June 2013

Very belated indeed
Oh deary me, you must all be wondering what's happened to us lately.

To tell the truth, Alice has been mired down, she says - No Monkey, not in the mud, but metaphorically! - trying to help someone she knows get through a bureaucratic nightmare: one which isn't a fit topic for this blog. If I just say it's the dreaded ESA50, those in the know will know...

Meanwhile we have passed our First Birthday, having set up this blog on May 13th 2012, though I didn't actually write anything worth reading until the 21st. Hence the single candle here. And the little figure on my knee is  Ganesha, who is reputed to help remove obstacles, so we're honouring him right now. (Right click and open in a new tab for a better view.)

We'll bring you up to date later, when the crisis is passed.