Christmas is coming (soon)
This version of
Christmas is Coming (which Alice tidied up a bit from the original) is based on the same
Stark sigil from good old HBO's magnificent
Game of Thrones. See that one below.
We're quite sad that Season VII is now finished.
Warning: there are rather a lot of references to Game of
in this pre-Christmas post. If
it's not your sort of thing, you can always skip the links.]

It will take
ages before
Season VIII appears, as they've had to do the filming later than usual, so it doesn't look like summer, when another
Long Winter has just started.
Meanwhile we've been watching the whole thing all over again from the very beginning. So far we've just finished Season Two. Well, that's me and Alice: Ba finds the fights upsetting and the
White Walkers far too scarey, so she has a snooze instead.
We've already had our first Xmas pressies.
No, we didn't cheat and open them early! They weren't wrappped up, just innocently lying in the jolly red bag.
Our good friend down the road - who's
very into the
Game of Thrones dragons - coloured this picture for us. She loves colouring, and finds it a most soothing occupation.
The pen (if you click to look at the full size image) says "Winter is Coming" together with the Stark house direwolf sigil. Aren't
they magnificent beasts? In G-o-T they are real
Northern Inuits breed.
Yes, it's now officially
Christmas Tree time! We went babysitting (
child-sitting really) to the grandchildren's and admired their huge tree and vast collection of presents. Ba! look
They had lots and lots of presents - some to give to friends and relatives, and some waiting to be opened by themselves on Christmas Day. Maybe there were some for us, too - but we didn't cheat and hunt for them.
I coudn't resist joining in with the decorations. Ba just thought it looked a rather long way down. You can see my super
Xmas jumper properly too - it was a present last year from our
Game of Thrones fan friend down the road. This year Alice gave
her three
different dragon bookmarks she made herself, and a surprise book.
Not this one: she's ordered it for herself!
our trees (plural) at home.
Please note the careful colour design of the
decorations. The bigger one is Alice's, and the small one is the responsibility of Ba
and myself.
If you click (oh, go
on) to see properly, you can admire our outfits and the little manger scene, which is Ba's favourite decoration.
We like to have the day itself with just the three of us, so we can laze about and eat whenever we like.
The presents are all to take to Glasgow
after Christmas proper - but it will still be the Festive Season, when we'll get ours from them, too.
Plus there's a special card from a friend. There's a much better view of the fold-out card and the manger scene in this carefully posed version.
Hoping you all enjoy the lead up to the Festivities in your own way, whatever that is.