Some exciting stuff recently arrived in the post, in the big navy envelope you can see at the back.
It's our "Official Invitation" to the Queensferry Crossing Experience on which we won a free place in the online draw. We were among the lucky 50,000 out of over 226,000! It included a lanyard, and an ID card with a photo on the other side. Security will be very strict indeed, of course.

There's a website about this beautiful bridge online here. There are also lots of videos about its construction on Youtube.
The inside of the invitation was a wonderful cut-out design.

We're looking forward to our actual walk across in September, and hope it doesn't rain on the day, so Alice can take lots of photos.
Watch this space!
Here's a photo (by Wave102) of all three bridges, including the rail bridge and the troubled Forth Road Bridge, with the new one nearest to us, taken when it was almost complete.
The Begonia
We think our amazing begonia (see our previous post below) is reaching the end of its flowering life. And maybe we've reached the end of your interest as well . . .
A couple of weeks later and some flowers, plus a leaf or two, had died and fallen off, though the plant was still producing new blossoms. But it was drooping rather more, again, and it was hard to view it from a comfortable position! So Alice tied it up a bit more still and shunted the geraniums round, so then there was room for us to admire it at close quarters. [Click, please.]
The flower we tried to press didn't come out very well, as it got folded over with the paper by mistake. Ba was most upset. So Alice actually cut off another bloom before it dropped (while Ba winced) and has set the process going again. Fingers crossed. We'll let you know.