[Updated with a couple more photos and the usual insightful comments. Thursday 11 Feb, 2016.]

But the bulbs are coming up all the same. Good on them.
This shows their progress about two weeks later.
It was very chilly and we still needed our winter extras on. Ba's ears are particularly sensitive. She's impatient to have our own little bit of "Proper Nature" nearby. But see: that hyacinth is pushing its way even further up. Isn't nature wonderful?

She went along mainly because she knew one of the people who'd be travelling up from England for the event ("Up". Oh dear, there we go again!) and several others who lived much closer, so it was a good chance to catch up with them all.
She got out her special funeral hat for the occasion. This is a very old photo, from her dear Godmother's funeral in 2005. Her face is all blanked out as Alice doesn't want to appear in what is really my blog. We ended up going on a day trip just because of this hat. See below.

I got to come out for the "Wake". Technically the term is properly used for the period between the death and the funeral, see Wikipedia. But some people believe it refers to the practice of friends and relatives visiting and sitting beside the body. Sometimes it was even to make sure the "dead" person didn't wake up.

Silly old Alice had managed to lose her special funeral hat, so a day or two later we went back to the pub to see if they had it. Captain Hook, posted outside the Dalriada, was less scarey in daylight and even Ba was happy to sit on the hilt of his broken-off sword with me. I had to insist that Alice resist the temptation to spend hours and hours digitally "repairing" him... What is she like!
They didn't have the hat, but it had taken an extremely long bus journey to get there, so went out to the beach for some (very) fresh air.
[Later: the hat has apparently been rescued, but hasn't yet found it's way back to Alice.]

The island is Inchkeith. There is some fascinating information about it on Wikipedia and some photos taken on the island at a website intriguingly called Abandoned Scotland. See below for the guide to the view.

There were paw prints as well as those from human shoes beside us. It's a popular spot for taking dogs for walks, whatever the wind and waves are doing.
Although the sea was quite a long way out, the reflections of the sky on the wet sand were very pretty indeed.
[How often do I need to remind you to click on Alice's carefully edited photos? Go on, just do it!]

It was so clear at the time, but it doesn't look quite the same in a photo, I'm afraid.

Alice so loves doing these photoshoots, and spends just ages "Getting it right." It can become rather tedious for us. She tells me her father was just the same, so she sometimes got fed up herself, back then. Not that her experience seems to have made her any different!
Of course there wasn't all the digital wizardry we have nowadays, just hours in the blacked out bathroom-darkroom.
Look closer. Isn't that big shell gorgeous!
This is the next-best background we could find that was the appropriate beachy colour.
And yes, there has been another birthday in our household. Alice is the only one of us who has a proper one. I think we should invent ones for us two. Choose your own horoscope, as it were.
It's a nice little collection of cards, isn't it? I especially like the colourful stamps on the one from her distant cousin in America. We had to get Alice to buy us the BB8 card, so we could give it to her on her birthday. She's pretty crazy about that new Star Wars droid. Hence all the links in the previous two blogs and this one.
A good friend of Alice's took us to her favourite restaurant: La Tasca, for a special Birthday treat.
Rapido looked like the best part of the menu - and of course we had an icecream dessert as well!
She also gave her these lovely red tulips, which cheered up Ba no end.
She's been very depressed by the dark, cold, wet winter, poor thing. And staying indooors so much doesn't suit her at all.
The flowers are so bright, you might think they're a cheat made of plastic - but I assure you, they really are that super shiny colour. We're looking straight down on them, if you're at all confused by the angle.

Click on it. Wow!
She played about in her editing programme to create one that was blue with splashes of green, but Ba was so agitated by the un-natural sight, I had to veto it. Alice was rather miffed, as she likes to show off her nifty abilities, but compassion for our suffering friend won through.

Looks a bit like some big bellows, doesn't it?
Bet you'll never guess where I am.
You'll have to wait for the next post (which could be simply ages yet!) when we'll put you out of your misery and reveal just what and where it really is.