Saturday 2 December 2017

Getting into the Festive spirit . . . 

We're already feeling Festive, what with decorations in the streets, advertisements on TV, and glittering gifts in the shops. So we persuaded Alice to have a mini photo-shoot, and create a pre-Christmas card for you all to enjoy.

Even if you mutter Bah! Humbug! and how it's all much too early, we hope it takes your mind off some of the more depressing stuff in The News nowadays.

This is a good time of year for the cinema too.

I'm looking forward to seeing The Last Jedi with Alice, who is certainly keen enough. She enjoys well made SciFi movies, as well as the artsy makes-you-think ones (such as Wind River.) And anything Andy Serkis does is usually worth a watch. He's to play the villainous-looking Snoke. 

[Click on these to see them larger.]

Ba wants to see Paddington 2, as it won't be so scarey. Alice is sorry to disappoint, but she'll have to wait for it to come on TV, as it's not really her cup of tea (or mine) and we won't be paying to see it this side of New Year.