Wednesday 9 August 2017

Beautiful Begonia

Ba has been nagging Alice to make a blog post about her beautiful Begonia. Sorry, she didn't mean the singer, though that lady does have a beautiful voice. You can listen on her Soundcloud account.

Alice replied that although Ba loves it dearly, it's not really Ba's begonia, for she has been the one who climbs up beside the draining board (very cautiously, of course, so as not to fall off) and waters it, and provides it with care. Moreover, she has been busy, and is tired, and wonders what she could possibly say about several photos of the same plant, albeit taken at different dates.

So, before they fell out over it, I said, "Why not put a few of them together to fill the page! Like before." Fiddling about with images (I mean being creative, of course) usually cheers her up.

The three above were all taken in June, about a week apart. Once it got going, there was no stopping this begonia producing more buds and flowers - though the leaves did progressively get a bit tatty, as you can see. [ Do click on these composites, to get the full picture. ]

Eventually the main stalk got so long and heavy I was afraid it would pull the whole caboodle down. So Alice carefully tied it up. Then in July we found it's got a baby! The flower beside Ba is one that fell off, which quite upset her, but we're trying to press and preserve it. Just how much the little one will grow, we'll have to wait and see: it was already taller by August.

We'll finish this very special post with Alice's favourite pose of Ba among the flowers. And I hope you noticed she gave the photos a tasteful yellow border, to match the beautiful blooms.