Saturday 2 January 2016

Happy New Year!  

Here's wishing you all the best for 2016, whatever you end up doing...

A bit later than I expect most people do (I won't let on just how much later) we finally got all the decorations on our trees. The bigger tree is decorated only with silver and gold, and Ba's little one with red: very tasteful, don't you think?

I know I keep saying this, but do please click on the photos, to see them in their full glory. That brings up all the ones in any particular post, but only at a size that will fit the window. If you middle click, (or right click & select Open in New Tab) you might get it even bigger still, but just one at a time. We mostly post them as small to leave room for our usual witty banter. OK, OK, our sometimes witty banter. . .

We sat and posed for simply ages, while Alice kept adjusting the flash or the lamp, so it wouldn't look too much like full sunshine: it would be nice to have our joint efforts appreciated!

Quite a few pressies, aren't there? They're to go to the grandchildren and their parents. It'll be fun to see them getting opened when we pay our belated Xmas visit.

We stayed in for that special midnight moment on the 31st, and watched the fireworks on TV. They gave us London's BigBen, of course, but we could hear the Edinburgh fireworks going off from our flat! They showed those a few minutes later, too. There's a video of them on YouTube. We didn't have any traditional whiskey to raise in our glass, but Alice said Cointreau would do just as well.

She wouldn't tell me what her New Year Resolutions were - to avoid me telling her off if she doesn't keep them. Did you make any?

The BBC News did a nice compliation with lots of different firework displays from all round the world. Try this one as well. I say thank goodness there can be enjoyable and decorative explosions for celebrations, rather than the truely horrible ones the world is suffering so much nowadays. Alice often wants to cry at the News, and sometimes she does. That's healthy, I tell her: better than being stoic and all locked in.

We've not kept up to date with all our recent doings, I know. Sorry. Maybe later?

We can't sign off, however, without mentioning that we are not ashamed to be counted among those many who loved the new Star Wars film. In fact, we're going to see it again. Hooray! It's not just the esoteric stuff Alice goes to. Our favourite character is BB-8. He (she / it?) is simply wonderful.

You can now get a fully working, remote controlled miniature BB-8. We so want one!! 
But, of course, it's very expensive. Click on More Info for some prices...
Two different makes are reviewed on YouTube by Timmy's Toy Box.